This week doormat is introducing a new primitive called keychains — a simple feature that helps users create and control many onchain addresses at once.

one key with the power of 100

Keychains are a new tool inside doormat for managing many wallets at once. Within doormat users can create keychains for either EVM or Solana keys. They can specify how many addresses they want in their keychain (we let users do anything from 2 addresses to 100).

what can i do with it?

Keychains currently have four core operations you can perform: fund, drain, echo transact, and swap.


Send money to each address in your keychain with one click. Fund from any existing doormat key and watch as funds automatically distribute across your entire keychain.


Done using your keychain? Drain collapses all funds from every address back to a single doormat key. No more manual transfers - get your funds back in one click.

echo transactions

The core of keychain’s power. Execute the same transaction across every address simultaneously using Doormat’s orchestration. When connected to a dapp via keychain, our extension intercepts signature requests and multiplies them across your entire chain. Currently available on EVM chains only. For example, swap on DeFi Llama with 100 addresses in a single click.


Swap tokens with every address at once using Doormat’s built-in swapper. Maximum efficiency, minimum effort. Currently supported on Solana only.

keychain technical architecture

Every key in doormat is backed by a (2,2) MPC shard pair. More about this to come in a future post on MPC Architecture. This means we hold one part of the key, and the user holds the other part. Rather than generate a hundred shard pairs for the user (which would slow down key management when migrating to new devices) keychains are actually backed by a single MPC shard pair! We use different derivation paths (i.e. BIP 32) in order to generate all the addresses. Keychain addresses are BIP32 non hardened derived addresses, so we limit the ability to export individual private keys from the keychain as it would affect the security of the entire keychain.

why might someone want to manage 100 wallets at once?

Keychains are a generic tool, with many possible use cases. A few we’ve seen users discover include airdrop and points farming, increasing holder counts for a memecoin, and as a workaround for NFT mint limitations.

We’re excited to finally have this feature live on EVM and Solana. Happy keychaining!

doormat v2.1 is currently available in a play-to-enter alpha. check it out and ping us with your feedback! File all bugs/feature requests in Trevor’s DMs.